Does Zephyr Not Do Full Dmg
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Skyrim: 10 Worthless Weapons Everyone Uses (And 15 That Are Way Better) The Dragonborn can find many weapons during their quest. While some are extremely powerful, others aren't worth picking up. Synergizes well with Zephyr's. Tail Wind as the latter allows Zephyr to stay airborne longer, halving the casting cost of the ability. Allows players to make Tornadoes, which aren't affected by Ability Range mods, larger. Powers & Abilities. Zephyr is a wind goddess, her power over air both literal and metaphorical. More concretely, the abilities she demonstrated include: Mentally controlling vast masses of air to focus them as supernaturally strong winds. Hold herself aloft without any effort. Take a pocket of air with her.
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Nasus - Damage only build! 4000+ Damage on Q!
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Top Lane
Ability Order
This is more of a build, not a guide, so have some MATH!
This is more of a build, not a guide, so have some MATH!
(Note: numbers are approximate)
Attack Damage from items:
Runes and Masteries:
485 + 34 = 519
Mastery Warlord - Increases bonus AD by 5%:
519 x 105% = 545
At level 18, Nasus has a base AD of about 113:
545 + 113 = 658
So Trinity Force's Spellblade's Damage would be:
658 x 200% = 1316
Plus you've got a 50% to deal CRITS!:
Crit Damage: 1316 + (658 x 250%) = 2961
Does Zephyr Not Do Full Dmg On Mac
Let's say Nasus' Q has 200 stacks!:
2961 + 200 = 3161
Q's base 110 Damage:
3161 + 110 = 3271
Don't forget your basic attack's normal damage with no abilities:
3271 + 658 =
Mastery - Havoc: Increases damage dealt by 3%:
3929 x 103% = 4047
That's about a whuppin' 4000 DAMAGE
So you can go about and 1 hit their AD-Carry to halt the enemy team's damages (and don't forget you lifesteal 36% of that 4047 damage, which would be about 1457 health
Does Zephyr Not Do Full Dmg Free
!), then 1 hit their AP-Mid so they'll stop Crowd-Controlling you which also gives you back all your health, then head over to the next possible squishy and 2 hit them, head to their tanks to 3 hit them, and go wreck their base!
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